
I love success. Especially that of my clients.

How one views the world is a matter of perspective. A new perspective often reveals a completely different way of seeing things and offers a special kind of outlook: in the early part of my career, I spent nine years working as a top executive in industry, whereas in the last fifteen years, I have been working as a consultant. From this considerable experience, I have learned what leadership means and which challenges it can pose. And I have learned it first-hand. In my work as a business adviser, this is an invaluable advantage – particularly for my clients. 

To get the best results, I explore my clients' businesses from the inside. I look closely. I listen closely. I ask questions. I analyse. In short: I roll up my sleeves and get a clear overview. I discover weak spots and areas of action, relying on determination, experience and self-discipline. This approach is often demanding for my clients, and sometimes uncomfortable. But it is always responsive to individual demand and always constructive. After all, this is what it is all about – guiding businesses as complex, dynamic structures and leading them into the future. To enduring success. That is how I see it anyway. Because it is my daily source of motivation.


HOW is not a question of style. HOW determines effectiveness.

A business is a complex, dynamic, social system. Is it not astonishing, then, that consulting concepts all too often do not take this into consideration? For me, this insight is the starting point: instead of focusing on individual elements, I keep an eye on the entire business as a system. My first step is to create a frame of reference. Then I move in closer. I collect detail after detail and start structuring. And then I distance myself again so that I can locate my insights in the bigger picture.

Proximity and distance play an essential role in my consultancy work. By swinging between these poles, my role oscillates between observing and guiding. In this way, I grasp the case at hand as a system with its own individual complexity. The reality that becomes visible can then be discussed and changed.

The plans derived from this approach are always individual and tailor-made for my clients. I make sure that my course of action is appropriate and situational, flexible and spontaneous. And that I always act with tact and sensitivity in order to involve and stimulate individual employees and the entire team – because this is the only way processes of change will be accepted and supported from within the business.

Applying my know-how, I optimize businesses as a whole. Permanently and continuously. If necessary, I may consult additional specialists. The result of my work: management and employees arrive at a mutual understanding and achieve progress together, progress that leads to satisfaction and success. Businesses are able to tap their full potential. On all levels.


SERVICES that work. Continuously.

‘Faster, more adaptable, more successful’ – some people may have mixed feelings when faced with these superlatives. But at the end of the day, these factors do decide whether a business can be successful in the long run, whether it is able to survive.

So let’s begin: we get a reliable frame of reference. We identify which areas of action are critical to success and how they depend on each other. And we decide on an appropriate, customized course of action that will get your business on the right track. Together, we establish clarity and determine direction to achieve credible communication, more control and greater safety – both in fact and in perception. Because these are the best prerequisites for personal and entrepreneurial success.


Businesses benefit from effective:

+ strategy development
+ innovation management
+ cost and efficiency management
+ development of organization and leadership systems
+ evaluation and development of management executives
+ implementation control and change management


Thanks for the kind words: letting my clients speak for themselves

Each project is as individual as my clients, and my services are accordingly complex. I will leave out the details and just let you read what some of my clients have to say about me. And because nothing replaces a personal impression, please feel free to give me a call and get to know me in person.


‘Mike Heinrich works with determination, without frills and with a lot of entrepreneurial tact. This makes him a valuable partner when it comes to finding pragmatic approaches to solutions. I particularly appreciate the way he counsels and collaborates with our team, but also the way he coaches me personally.’

Udo Bächler, Managing Director / construction supplier


‘Mike Heinrich is experienced, organized and absolutely reliable. What sets him apart is his ability to combine individual tools and consultancy services to one single, personal development project. There are no off-the-peg solutions. And this guarantees that his work focuses on results – and that it leads to sustainable processes of change.’

Michael Lorig, CEO / international group with a focus on automotive supply (tier 1)


‘I see Mike Heinrich as organized, modern and dynamic. His expertise as a consultant and his focus on results are outstanding. And I value our great working relationship. The World Café method introduced by him has become a standard for us.’

Ralf Bickel, Managing Director / automotive supplier


‘We used a large-group method (World Café) for our strategy process. The overall concept and the moderation were excellent. Mike Heinrich shows a lot of commitment without ever losing his neutral view from the outside.’

Michael Pfeffer, Head of Service for Measurement Products, Germany / international group for automation and power technologies


Nach Art. 3 Abs. 1 lit. s Nr. 1 UWG:

Responsable for content is

Mike Heinrich Management Consulting
Mike Heinrich
Brunnenstrasse 7b
CH-9410 Heiden

Tel.: +41 79 950 94 71
E-Mail.: mh(at)

UID (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer/Company ID): CHE-356.558.540
MWST-Nummer (VAT ID): CHE-356.558.540 MWST


Concept & Design: naturblau+++ – Die Werteagentur
Realization: Volker Heske Webentwicklung –
Text: Christina Schwarz Text Redaktion Konzeption –



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Contact en


Mike Heinrich Management Consulting
Brunnenstrasse 7b
CH-9410 Heiden
Tel.: +41 79 950 94 71
E-Mail.: mh(at)